In a world where digital photos are the norm, and we store all our memories onto digital albums through the use of social media – print your photos to truly cherish your memories which could otherwise be lost or forgotten.
Cherish your memories
While Facebook can be a useful tool to have all your photos saved to one place – once the photos are posted they can often be forgotten about. After posting on Facebook, the likes and comments from friends and family come flooding in and we are happy to have shared this moment with them. However, due to Facebooks constant stream of new content, your post is soon lost in the digital maze and you can often forget that these photos even exist. Therefore, having a physical copy of these photos means you can truly cherish these memories and can hava special physical representation of your best moments.
The return of physical photo albums

Of course our Facebook posts are not truly lost after posting and we could use our Facebook account to look at old memories . However, other than the fact that you are not likely to scroll back through your own Facebook posts, there are several advantages to having these photos in a physical book. In a world where we spend so much time in front of a screen, it can be nice to take a break from the digital world and bring back the experience of flicking through a physical photo album with loved ones.