Why should I print my Instagram?

Instagram plays such a big role in the daily lives of most young people today with over 70 percent of 20-29 year olds in the US being actives users of the app. Sharing memories and photos with our Instagram followers has become the way in which most people document their lives. This means you probably have a digital photo album in the form of an Instagram grid, filled with your favorite photos and memories. This rise in the use of social media, and specifically photo-based social media like Instagram, means fewer and fewer people have physical copies of their photos. While this digital age of instant photos can be a convenient way to capture your memories, there are certainly benefits to having a physical copy… here are three reasons why , at BlookUp, we think you should print your Instagram photos.

A photo-album without any fuss

Undeniably, the use of digital cameras and social media means people don’t have photo albums or physical copies of photos like they used to. This is understandable as people don’t want to make the effort of printing photos, buying a book and sorting through all the photos to create the book themselves. However, thanks to BlookUp you can have the luxury of a physical photo album without any effort as we generate your book, from your Instagram, in a matter of minutes. In a few clicks you can have your book made and on its way to you. In short, our Instagram books take advantage of the convenience of digital cameras and social media and use this to create your photo album.

Make the most of your insta photos

We know that people put a lot of effort in when capturing insta-worthy photos to post. While your photos may get some attention when you first post it, with the likes and comments coming in, the next day these photos are most likely forgotten about. With constant flow of new content posted to social media, your photos will have been lost in the Insta feed and chances are you will have also forgotten about it. Printing your insta photos and creating a photo-album, allows you to make the most of your photos by creating a beautiful album which you can look back on for years to come with friends and family, and truly appreciate the photos, giving them the attention they deserve.

A tangible treasure filled with your memories

Our Instagram books are a beautiful way to present your photos, and they allow you to have a physical, tangible treasure which documents your life, memories and adventures to look back on. A study carried out by ESPON in 2023 showed that 8 out of 10 people admit looking through a physical photo album makes them feel happy. What’s more, BlookUp uses high-quality, professional printers which produce gorgeous photo-albums, ensuring your photos are represented in the best light. Having an Instagram books also provides a layer of security , ensuing you will not loose these photos as there is always a risk of updates, hackers, viruses or even Instagram shutting down resulting in you loosing your digital photos.


Print your Facebook page

At BlookUP we specialize in creating personalized books from your social media. Our bestseller is our Facebook book and we want to share a little bit about why our Facebook books are so popular, and how to create you own.

Why you should create a Facebook book

Facebook is a good tool for documenting our best moments. However, we believe these memories deserve to be saved in a physical copy rather than just a digital one. Due to the digitalization of today and the fact we post all our photos, a lot of people miss out on the experience of flicking through a photo album with their family or friends, looking back on their memories. It cannot be denied that this experience is incomparable to scrolling on your phone. With BlookUp you can enjoy this experience without having to take the time to print and organize your photos to make the book, as we do that for you.

How to create your Facebook book

Your book can be ready in seconds. Simply follow the link Create my Facebook Book , connect your Facebook account, and select the dates you want included. Then in a matter of seconds, BlookUp will generate your book, including all posts and photos within the specified period, as-well as the number of likes and comments for each post.

Then, once BlookUp has generated your digital book, you can customize your book to suit your taste. With the possibility to change the front cover, photos, colors, texts and layout you are able to create a book which is truly unique to your personality which you will love.

Make the most of your travel Blog !

Blogging is an excellent way to capture and document all your travels and adventures. Creating a travel blog allows you to create an online digital diary and photo-album of all your best moments which can be shared with your online community. Amazing !

Print your Blog

At BlookUp we recognize how much effort, and hard-work travel bloggers put into creating a perfect blog. For this reason, we believe your blog deserves to be appreciated offline, in the real world. The best way to do this is by transforming your bog into a beautiful, hand-held book.Not only does this allow you to share your blog and memories with everyone in your life, including those who may not have access to your blog, this also allows you to have a beautiful, tangible souvenir to represent your travels, memories and hard-work which can be beautifully and proudly displayed on your bookshelf.

Choose BlookUp to Print your social media pages !

When printing your social media, you want to be sure the results are going to do your content justice. Here are three reasons why BlookUp is the best option when it comes to turning your digital content to paper.

A quick and easy process

Creating a book is an extremely quick and simple process with blookup. Simply connect your Facebook, Instagram, or blog account to our site and we will generate your book in a matter of minutes. No messing around, no nonsense and no sorting through hundreds of photos. We do it for you!

Personalize the book according to your style

Once your book is generated, we have a variety of modification options to make the book perfect for you. You can edit the colours, texts and photos on the front cover, as-well as the layout of the content. Cela vous permet de créer un livre vraiment unique qui reflète votre personnalité.

Beautifully designed books

At BlookUp, we use state of the art printers which create beautiful, good-quality books which are made to last. Your content deserves to be shown off, and there is no better way to do that than in a gorgeous book which can be showcased in your home and shared with friends.

Create your book today !

Print your Facebook, Instagram or Blog.

BlookUp specializes in turning your digital content into beautiful paper books , which can be cherished forever. With the hard work and effort that goes in to creating your digital content, it deserves to be cherished and remembered. Not to mention the vast amount of online content being uploaded every second which makes it is easy for yours to be lost or forgotten. Make the most of your social media content with our Facebook, Instagram and Blog books !

Facebook books

Our most sold product is our Facebook books. With BlookUp you can create a book which includes all your Facebook posts and photos with the amont of likes and comments shown. This allows you to easily create a memory photo album of all your best moments and memories

Our Facebook books are also an excellent product for brands, organisations or companies which have created a strong identity via Facebook. These books act as a great way to showcase their work over the years.

Instagram books

One for the photo lovers. Today, we share all our best, most photographic moments to Instagram, creating a fantastic digital photo album. With our Instagram books, you can really cherish these moments, by having a physical copy in form of a beautiful books. This allows you to reminisce on your memories with your friends or family while taking a break from your screen.

Our Instagram books have one photo per page, with the caption and number of likes for each photo displayed underneath. This creates a sleek elegant look, while giving each photo the space it deserves.

Blog books

At BlookUp we know how much effort goes into creating a blog. We believe this hard work and time dedicated to your blog deserves to be appreciated. By transforming your blog into a physical book you can showcase your blog to family and friends in a stylish more appealing way. What’s more, with the uncertainty of the digital world, these blog books allow you to have a secured copy of your blog if something were to happen which meant you ost you online version.

Each blog book involves all the photos and photos of your blog from the very beginning to the present day, with the possibility to edit or remove any posts you wish.

Print your Instagram or Facebook

At BlookUp , we take your digital cotent and transform it into beautiful paper books. Our most sold books are our social media books. WE have the choice between a facebook or an Instagram book depending on your preferred site.

Why print my social media page?

In a world more and more digital, where we take photos of everything and share it to our socials, most people have a digital footprint full of their best moments. However, one issue with this is, due to the vast amount of online content, your photos and memories are often forgotten. By taking a step back from the digital world, and having your photos in a physical album, you can truly appreciate your memories.

Why print with BlookUp?

Although there are many printing companies online, we are a one of a kind when it comes to our social media books. None the less, here are some reasons why you should choose BlookUp to create your photo album. By using BlookUp, you can be sure to have your book ready in a matter of minutes, as we do all the hard work for you and generate your book in seconds. Once we’ve generated your book, you can make it truly your own by editing the style, format and colors. This means all of our clients receive a book truly unique and personal to them. Finally, as we use the latest printing technologies, all of our books are made to the the very best quality.


Should I print my Blog?

Are you wondering where we got the name ‘BlookUp’? … blog + book = Blook

At BlookUp we have been turning clients blogs into gorgeous handheld books for 14 years, and we printed for thousands of happy bloggers. While we admit that the digital blog can be a great tool, nothing compares to reading a physical book.

Not convinced? Here are 3 reasons why we believe in the Blook:

The pleasure of reading a physical book

In a world which is becoming more and more digital, sometimes being able to read a physical book can be so relaxing. We already spend so much time in front of a screen. Whether it be for work or aimlessly scrolling on social media, all this screen time is not good for us. Therefore, at BlookUp we believe we should be able to look back on our blogs and memories, while taking a break from our screens. It cannot be denied that holding a real book and turning paper pages is so much more relaxing than scrolling through your blog on a screen. Everyone could benefit from a break from the digital world.

Enjoy your blog with your family

Due to this digitalisation of the world we live in, the older generation and young children are often left out. Without having physical copies of photos or blog entries, it can be difficult to share these with older members of you family who are unsure of the digital world, as well as young children who are yet to have access. Avoid the difficulties of trying to get your grandchildren or toddlers to understand the blog while crowded round a screen and just show them the book. This also brings back the family experience of flicking through a memory book or photo book, which is becoming less and less popular today.

Showcase your work

We know that bloggers put a lot of time, work and love into their blogs. That’s why we believe having a physical representation of what you’ve created is so important. Your blook is something you can hold, show-off and be proud off. As we use state of the art printers at BlookUp and create chic, stylish looking books we’d highly recommend placing this on show in your home.


Print your Instagram page

BlookUp specializes in turning your digital contant into beautiful paper books. We know that these days, people put a lot of effort into capturing the best photos for Instagram to share their favorite moments and memories. We believe these photos deserve to be printed and you deserve to have a physical representation of the digital photo album you have created. Not only does this act as an excellent memory book and showcase your photos, it ensures you always have a copy of you Instagram if anything was to ever happen to them. (because how much can we truly trust technology)

About our books

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All of our books are printed using the best technology, ensuring top-quality, elegant books which showcase your photos in the best light. All of our instagram books have the same layout with one photo per page and the captions displayed below. This allows you to truly appreciate each and every photo and memory.

Create your book today

Transform your digital content into beautiful books

BlookUp specializes in turning your digital content into beautiful paper books , which can be cherished forever. With the hard work and effort that goes in to creating your digital content, whether for social media or for creating your blog. Your content deserves to be cherished and remembered. With the vast amount of online content being uploaded every second, it is easy for your content to be lost or forgotten. Here are our three most popular books.

Facebook book

Our most sold product is our Facebook books. With BlookUp you can create a book which includes all your Facebook posts and photos with the amont of likes and comments shown. This allows you to easily create a memory photo album of all your best moments and memories

Our Facebook books are also an excellent product for brands, organisations or companies which have created a strong identity via Facebook. These books act as a great way to showcase their work over the years.

Instagram books

One for the photo lovers. Today, we share all our best, most photographic moments to Instagram, creating a fantastic digital photo album. With our Instagram books, you can really cherish these moments, by having a physical copy in form of a beautiful books. This allows you to reminisce on your memories with your friends or family while taking a break from your screen.

Our Instagram books have one photo per page, with the caption and number of likes for each photo displayed underneath. This creates a sleek elegant look ,while giving each photo the space it deserves.

Blog books

At BlookUp we know how much effort goes into creating a blog. We believe this hard work and time dedicated to your blog deserves to be appreciated. By transforming your blog into a physical book you can showcase your blog to family and friends in a stylish more appealing way. What’s more, with the uncertainty of the digital world, these blog books allow you to have a secured copy of your blog if something were to happen which meant you ost you online version.

Each blog book involves all the photos and photos of your blog from the very beginning to the present day, with the possibility to edit or remove any posts you wish.

Why you should print your blog

Are you wondering where we got the name ‘BlookUp’? … blog + book = Blook

At BlookUp we have been turning clients blogs into gorgeous handheld books for 14 years, and we printed for thousands of happy bloggers. While we admit that the digital blog can be a great tool, nothing compares to reading a physical book.

Not convinced? Here are 3 reasons why we believe in the Blook:

The pleasure of reading a physical book

In a world which is becoming more and more digital, sometimes being able to read a physical book can be so relaxing. We already spend so much time in front of a screen. Whether it be for work or aimlessly scrolling on social media, all this screen time is not good for us. Therefore, at BlookUp we believe we should be able to look back on our blogs and memories, while taking a break from our screens. It cannot be denied that holding a real book and turning paper pages is so much more relaxing than scrolling through your blog on a screen. Everyone could benefit from a break from the digital world.

Make it a family event

Due to this digitalisation of the world we live in, the older generation and young children are often left out. Without having physical copies of photos or blog entries, it can be difficult to share these with older members of you family who are unsure of the digital world, as well as young children who are yet to have access. Avoid the difficulties of trying to get your grandchildren or toddlers to understand the blog while crowded round a screen and just show them the book. This also brings back the family experience of flicking through a memory book or photo book, which is becoming less and less popular today.

Showcase your work

We know that bloggers put a lot of time, work and love into their blogs. That’s why we believe having a physical representation of what you’ve created is so important. Your blook is something you can hold, show-off and be proud off. As we use state of the art printers at BlookUp and create chic, stylish looking books we’d highly recommend placing this on show in your home.
