Your blog printed as a real paper book!

 Do you have a blog? Well, do turn it into a book! Sure, but what for, will you ask?

3 years ago, when BlookUp began its journey into the world of blogs and books, we were convinced that nothing could replace real paper books. Being able to hold in your hand the contents you wrote with caution and passion… What a thrill! Just give it a try! Once you receive your blook, when you can go through its pages, you will see all the hard work put to it through all these years. Share it with your friends and see how they get into it: It’s concrete, they can touch what you’ve accomplished and they can relate to it.

Woman with a book in her hands

Your best creations going from hand to hand!

There are many reasons that can lead you to turn your blog into a book ! 

Protect your content (who knows when the next informatic crash will erase your blog ?), begin a collection by creating a book per year or per theme like « Travel » (BlookUp’s got a large community of travelling bloggers who print their adventures abroad every time they come back from their trip)… You can also print one restricted selection of your articles or simply the best of them !

Being able to have your book at hand’s reach, on your shelf or on your coffee table, is very handy when it comes to remember the good times without having to start the computer!

Books on a shelf, a woman's hand is picking one up

There you go, your last trip at hand’s reach!

Another good reason to print your blog is to share with your grand-parents; They may be not very fond of that « web thingy » and don’t really understand what you’re doing behind your computer screen. Don’t worry, BlookUp gives you you THE solution: Offering them your blook as a present!

You can also put your book to sale on our online library, the Blookshop. Decide your own selling price and invite your friends to read and order it online!

The best thing to do is to put us to the test! You don’t have to order first, just begin with the import of your blog (it’s all free!) into our online tool, then edit, correct, customize… When the final preview pleases you, order and receive your blook under 8 days only. It’s so easy !

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