#InternationalMensday book is in our Blookspace !
Through the books we give you a gethering of diffrent tweets ( reactions ) that allow you to read up on any subject anytime and anywhere.This way, you will be able to share diffrent ideas to your community.
#InternationalMensDay is an international event celebrated every 19 November since 1999. She precedes the World Children’s Day for the father-child relationship. International Men’s Day aims to reveal the role of men in society and to highlight areas where gender differences disadvantage them. Although the majority of gender inequalities are at the disadvantage of women, in some situations men may also be confronted. Tweeter users have all the days shared their celebration in their own way, both men and women. This day is therefore a day of gender equality.
You too celebrate this day with this Twitter book! Go to our Blookspace to find it !