It’s Blookup’s Birthday, we are now 5 years old!

Here you are!  We were waiting for you, come in, take a seat!

Accurate representation of the BlookUp Team while publishing this article.


It’s been 5 years since BlookUp embarked on the great adventure of printing books out of blogs. 5 years of research and development concentrated on our import tool which is always improving despite technical and time constraints, 5 years of strong relationship with our blookers who share our concept without failing, 5 years of digital contents imported from all over the world and returning to it delivered in the form of real paper books.

The excitement we feel at the sight of all the progress made through all theses years is so strong we can’t name it. All the BlookUp Team can (and wants to) do is thanking you for making us grow, for making every new day and every new feature possible.

In order to thank you for your confidence, it’s happy hour time! Enjoy 25% off your next order with the HAPPYBLOOK promo code, valid until 10/18/2016!

It’s time to wish for a bright and long future!