Why you should choose BlookUp to print your social media content.

When printing your social media, you want to be sure the results are going to do your content justice. Here are three reasons why BlookUp is the best option when it comes to turning your digital content to paper.

A quick and easy process

Creating a book is an extremely quick and simple process with blookup. Simply connect your Facebook, Instagram, or blog account to our site and we will generate your book in a matter of minutes. No messing around, no nonsense and no sorting through hundreds of photos. We do it for you!

Personalize the book according to your style

Once your book is generated, we have a variety of modification options to make the book perfect for you. You can edit the colours, texts and photos on the front cover, as-well as the layout of the content. Cela vous permet de créer un livre vraiment unique qui reflète votre personnalité.

Beautifully designed books

At BlookUp, we use state of the art printers which create beautiful, good-quality books which are made to last. Your content deserves to be shown off, and there is no better way to do that than in a gorgeous book which can be showcased in your home and shared with friends.

Create your book today !

Print the book of your WordPress blog !

WordPress is a free platform used to create websites or blogs. With over 60 million users worldwide, wordpress is the leading website platform.

You own a blog or a website and you want to print your content? BlookUp offers you to create in one click the blog book from a WordPress blog.

What are the elements we import from your WordPress blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety (title, text, photo,…) so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria.

BlookUp has developed an innovative technology that fetches complete information directly from the core system of your WordPress blog (API). That’s why you have to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from my WordPress blog !

Enjoy your reading !!!

ADP’s digital content on the runway for a new departure!

On social media platforms, posts have a lifetime of only a few hours before vanishing completely. BlookUp finds a way around the immediacy of social media by materializing your content with “blooks”. 

Logo of the ADP group
Continue reading “ADP’s digital content on the runway for a new departure!”

Christmas 2017 for books lovers!

1. A pocket book turned into a decorative pen

pocket-book-pen-foldedA unique handmade accessory by Papiers et Contes en Herbe, which will elegantly carry your letters, cards, CDs, and will prevent your friends from stacking all these bulky objects on their desk!


2. A zip-like bookmark

zip-bookmarkHaving a bookmark is cool, but having a bookmark that has style is way cooler! For a reasonable price, offer a always useful, colorful gift that will make all readers envious!


3. A giant book that transforms into a stool

stool-books-booknitureA magic and effective multiple use-object that will allow you to sit AND decorate your shelves! It can be stored in your personal library or be used as a stool when receiving riends over. A gift that will certainly give all rooms a real style!


4. The Swear Words Coloring book


Not a gift made for children! If you know a naturally stressed person or one going through difficult times, this book is the perfect gift! It allows anybody to let their creativity run wild while embellishing the most floral insults of Shakespeare’s tongue (pens and watercolor not provided).


5. A Blook

pile-books-foregroundWe didn’t mention it last Christmas, so we are allowing ourselves to do so this year ;): Create the book of your blog (WordPress, Overblog, Canalblog, Blogger / Blogspirit, Tumblr, Skyrock, Haut et Fort), your favorite social network (Facebook, Instagram) or PDF file with BlookUp!

Import all of your content in just a few clicks, layout them and adjust all the details of your book (covers, texts, images …) as you please! The creation and customization of the books are unlimited and free, and your order is delivered at home within 15 working days! Okay, maybe it’s too late for this year, but you can still surprise your loved ones with our Gift Cards (or simply get ready for a birthday or next Christmas 😉 )!

Find our personalization guide in our help section, and don’t forget that our customer service is also here to help you create your blook!

Hashtag Shelfie: Sharing your library under the hashtag

We know that internet, blogs and social networks gave or maintained a general taste for writing and creation! It also  gave the world of books a second youth by putting self-publishing at everyone’s reach.

Books and writing are part of the daily life for many of us. And the internet pays them tribute!


What the shelf?

On Instagram, we find under the hashtag #shelfie a whole lot of inspiring photos featuring shelves and libraries. The word “shelfie” itself sets the tone by combining the words “shelf” with the word “selfie” (the famous self-portraits photographed in the 21st century, for those sleeping at the bottom).

Many of the photos feature furnitures arranged like they’re almost taken straight out of an IKEA magazine. But, and this is what interests us here, we can also find books!


#Shelfie indeed is the occasion to make your personal library a star while the hashtag lasts ! It’s also the moment to share your reading taste or your  storage foibles to your friends and followers… Or even to discover what composes the tastes of others and how people organizes and surrounds one’s readings!



No boasting of elitist readings or endless rows of books here (even if we recognize that a full library is always pretty to picture 😉 ), only the joy of seeing beautiful book-related photos and starting exchanging about your favorite books!

After all, the contents of a library are often indicative of the personality of its owner(s): It is with this idea that the newspaper The Guardian launched the concept of the Shelfie in December 2013.


More than 820 000 publications are now classified under the hashtag #shelfie and more are coming everyday, so it’s always time to get involved and show what you have and love!


Article source (French) | Images:  @earthscorners, @culturetripbooks, @bluestockingbookshelf and @shelfjoy

Books portage, when reading comes at home!

In France, the media library of Poitiers (named “Médiathèque François Mitterrand” as an hommage to one of France’s former Presidents who is said to be fond of arts and culture) has found a great solution to bring company and entertainment to the elderly, handicapped or isolated people. Books portage!

Poitiers’ inhabitants are thus given the possibility of being delivered of their books for free ! With all the books directly coming from the collections of the media library.

Dominique Delbor receives her new audio books from Carine Chollet and Isabelle Brillanceau’s hands, from the media library staff


The delivery is “included” in the price of their annual subscription to the library (costing from €6 to €16) ! Thus offering an invaluable service without any extra cost. The people that are delivered are visited by the Media Library’s staff and can exchange a few words as well as their books! Which they give back (of course;)) while borrowing again.

Every 24 days, a new arrival of audiobooks arrives at the tables of the beneficiaries. It allows them, thanks to the quantity and diversity of content available, to find their happiness for several years!


The multimedia library makes nearly 2,300 texts available to read and has also signed a partnership with the Valentin Haüy association (located in Paris). It allows visually impaired subscribers to obtain access to an additional fund of 200 texts engraved in “Daisy” format. Subscribers can also freely download 20,000 titles from the Éole online library.


Source (French only) | Photos credits: Bm-poitiers.fr et Marie-Laure Aveline

Books and videos: Who are the Booktubers?

When it comes to reading, profiles and behaviors are very diverse! More or less assiduous readers, young or not so young, with three tons of books on their hands or without any idea of what to read next…

Whatever the situation, navigating on the ocean of books that is literature can quickly become a real challenge. What are the trends? A title teases you, but you’re not sure you want to buy it  because you’re afraid of being disappointed? Which genre will truly move you or are which book will get you out of your comfort zone?

Well, as usual, to answer those questions, you have to look up for information. You may go to the nearest library, bookshop or on an online store… Or on Youtube.

A trend that actually began a few years ago

Booktubers appeared in the United States and in Mexico around the years 2010-2011. PolandbananasBOOKS, the most famous channel in America created in 2010, has currently 361,000 subscribers while Raiza Revelles, the most famous channel in Mexico and created in 2011, has 1,196,000 subscribers!

By comparison, Les Lectures de NiNe, a French channel, counts only 58,000 subscribers!

Many articles have been devoted to Booktubers since 2011, many channels have been created and have disappeared. The phenomenon is now generally well-known and followed by the english-speaking and spanish-speaking countries.

A French “Ipsos” study of 2016 made for the National Book Center (Centre National du Livre) linked the omnipresence of Internet and screens with new reading habits, not with a disinterest in reading! Booktubers, which attracted only 5% of young people according to the study at the time, are the expression of these changes!

Young people talk to young people

Their profile? Mostly female Booktubers under 30, whose audience also includes young female readers. The books presented come from all genres and lovers of great classics or more specific styles can find what they want between two fantasy or science fiction novelties!

A variety of speeches and formats form the wide range of videos made by Booktubers, like “In my Mailbox” (IMM), “Bookhauls” and “Wrap-Up”. for example.

Some of these formats already existed on Youtube for a while, such as the unboxing, which consists of opening a package (sent by a brand) in front of the camera in order to discover its contents with the subscribers. Like other Youtubers, Booktubers often initially order objects themselves, privately: When the channel becomes more famous, publishing houses send them gifts for them to talk about.

The key here is to find a form of book club 2.0: Booktubers talk to people with whom they share the same love of reading (or sometimes convert those who were not interested!) and organize Challenges and Events in order to animate and unite them.

No wonder why publishers are trying to forge partnerships directly with these video makers who are now invited in trade shows and literary debates! But even when they are part of a network, very few Booktubers make book sharing their main activity. Each of them deserves to be viewed though, and of course to be followed!


Article Source | Crédits Vidéos :A Clockwork Reader, jennaclarekPolandbananasBOOKS,Little Book Owljessethereader 

Textolife turns your SMS into books!

If you regularly visit this blog (and if you have just arrived, welcome to you!), you must know that since 2011, BlookUp is the platform that transforms your blogs and social networks into books and is compatible with a little more than 10 different blogging platforms!

These are not blooks, as you will discover in this article!


A single question was the origin of the creation of BlookUp: “What if all my digital contents disappeared suddenly?”. The answer seemed obvious: Go back to the book, the physical object. To the compilation, the collection, the immortalization of our work and our moments spent together on the Web!

Our virtual contents and exchanges can be frail and ephemeral, like our SMS, MMS, chat messages and other short, instant conversations tools. Textolife understood that, and that’s why this online platform offers you (since 2013) to print all your SMS / MMS, WhatsApp or Messenger conversations!


Sending SMS is a harmless, daily activity, and sometimes the conversations are so long that even your phone can have a hard time going back in history! It is easy to neglect these odinary exchanges, however, small forgotten treasures, sweet words, funny or moving photos are hidden inside them!


It’s also this idea of sharing good moments and memories that started Textolife, when Yasmine wanted to offer to her family (including her sister Laura, who will also be at the origin of the concept) a collection of all their group conversations! This first book was very tedious to “handmake”, with a lot of screenshots and using Word for layout…

Be assured that today, you just have to back up your conversations using the help provided for Android, IPhone, WhatsApp and Messenger, sign in and start creating your book via a mobile app or directly from the online tool!


A book of 40 pages costs about €15, and if you only want the PDF version, it will cost you €3.90 (downloadable from your personal account at anytime!).

Sounds great, right? Go ahead, and revive your SMS with Textolife!

[Update] The Book and Bed hotel in Tokyo : an original concept !

Japanese people are known for having crazy ideas, and at BlookUp we love a concept that stands out!

In Tokyo, the owners of this hostel just made every book lover’s dream come true: An accommodation bookshop. Don’t let the name fool you though, the books are not for sale; however you can read as many of them as you want while being comfortably seated on one of the sofas!


As for the beds, customers can choose between sleeping in bunks if their budget is tight or inside a bookshelf and being surrounded by hundreds of books: The ultimate bookworm’s nest! However, comfort might not be the first words to come to your mind while looking at the mattresses, and the staff is well aware of that.

The staff focused their efforts into providing the most unique experience as they could, the idea behind the accommodation bookshop was to create a space where people would be able to do what they enjoy the most until they ultimately fall asleep. And for those among you that always drink something while reading, well you are sorted because you can get coffee and other drinks at the bar inside the hostel!

beds_photo_1Tokyo is not the only city to have a Book and Bed hotel, Fukuoka and Kyoto also have their own. If you cannot make it all the way to japan, you can check out their Instagram and get a glimpse of the magic of this place!
