Gary Strachan - Motherland Monologues

By Gary Strachan - Published on Oct. 27, 2019
Motherland Meanderings is a selection of the authors musings during the summer of 2019. Amongst them his venture to Aberdeenshire for a Strachan clan gathering, where he stayed in the village of his forefathers. Men and women who through the centuries left their Scottish domicile due to economic hardship and a George Baileyesque desire for travel/adventure. Most of the ex-pats kin not returning until this get together on Monday 29th July 2019. Mr Strachan would like to thank his uncle Archie for explaining what hochmagandy meant prior to his vist north.
15x21 cm / 5.9x8.27 in
229 pages
$ 98.51

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