On Twitter, each publication is limited to 280 characters. The questions that users of this social network ask themselves are: how to remember all these publications and especially how to save them? BlookUp has found the perfect solution for you.

BlookUp allows you to record your tweets in a paper book. From the most popular, controversial or precious tweets, go from instant to posterity.
With its compact format (11×17 cm), this paper book of your tweets is fully customizable (color and cover photo of your choice) and offers you the possibility to archive, edit and thus extend the reach of your tweets over the period of your choice.
Steps to follow to create your Twitter account book
To start editing the book of your tweets, you just have to go to www.blookup.com and connect to your Twitter account through a secure protocol. The simplicity of execution is the strength of the solution developed by BlookUp. So, what are you waiting for to print your blook ?