Should I print my Blog?

Are you wondering where we got the name ‘BlookUp’? … blog + book = Blook

At BlookUp we have been turning clients blogs into gorgeous handheld books for 14 years, and we printed for thousands of happy bloggers. While we admit that the digital blog can be a great tool, nothing compares to reading a physical book.

Not convinced? Here are 3 reasons why we believe in the Blook:

The pleasure of reading a physical book

In a world which is becoming more and more digital, sometimes being able to read a physical book can be so relaxing. We already spend so much time in front of a screen. Whether it be for work or aimlessly scrolling on social media, all this screen time is not good for us. Therefore, at BlookUp we believe we should be able to look back on our blogs and memories, while taking a break from our screens. It cannot be denied that holding a real book and turning paper pages is so much more relaxing than scrolling through your blog on a screen. Everyone could benefit from a break from the digital world.

Enjoy your blog with your family

Due to this digitalisation of the world we live in, the older generation and young children are often left out. Without having physical copies of photos or blog entries, it can be difficult to share these with older members of you family who are unsure of the digital world, as well as young children who are yet to have access. Avoid the difficulties of trying to get your grandchildren or toddlers to understand the blog while crowded round a screen and just show them the book. This also brings back the family experience of flicking through a memory book or photo book, which is becoming less and less popular today.

Showcase your work

We know that bloggers put a lot of time, work and love into their blogs. That’s why we believe having a physical representation of what you’ve created is so important. Your blook is something you can hold, show-off and be proud off. As we use state of the art printers at BlookUp and create chic, stylish looking books we’d highly recommend placing this on show in your home.

Reasons for printing your blog

At BlookUp we appreciate that a lot of time and effort goes into creating your blog, and we believe this deserves to be appreciated. there is no better way to appreciate your work than with a beautiful hand-held copy to show-off.

Don’t let your blog posts be forgotten

It is certain that blogs are excellent tools for sharing information, experiences and memories with your community. However, despite the attention a blog post may get after posting, due to the never ending flow of new content uploaded to blog sites and to the internet, these posts can soon be buried beneath it all. There is constantly new content to consume, new blogs to read, new videos to watch, meaning your blog posts risk being lost and forgotten by both your readers and yourself.

Printing your blog allows you to have a beautiful book to look back on with friends and family. By keeping your photos, blog entries and memories purely in your digital blog, you are eliminating the experience of going through a memory book with your family.

Create a social book that sells ? BlookSpace is THE solution !

BlookSpace is a unique space for curating and protecting your digital data. With just a few clicks, you can publish, share and sell your book from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, blog or PDF, and share it with your community!
Here are a few tips that may help you showcase your blook and are sure to make people want to buy it.

Think of your blook as a book in its own right, not just the book of your blog !

On the internet, we sometimes tend to let ourselves go: content is not read in the same way and is often ephemeral. But our culture gives a certain importance to the book: the cover must be worked, the photos of good quality, the typography and spelling must be neat.
Don’t forget that you can create your own personalized cover and import it on BlookUp very easily in the appearance section. Think that those who will buy your book will appreciate having a finished product in their hands!

But our culture gives a certain importance to the book: the cover must be worked, the photos of good quality, the typography and spelling must be neat.
Don’t forget that you can create your own personalized cover and import it on BlookUp very easily in the appearance section. Think that those who will buy your book will appreciate having a finished product in their hands!

Think about the theme and price of your blook !

Maybe your blog is pretty motley, or maybe it’s very dense? Think about doing themed blooks! If you have a cooking blog, create for example a blook with your cooking tips, another one with your recipes from last season, or one around a particular product! This way you can have less thick blooks, less expensive and more interesting for those who will buy it: your blooks will be devoured in their entirety!

Share your blook as much as possible!

Once you have created your blook, don’t forget to share it. You are the best person to sell your blook and content that belongs only to you! The first vector of sharing is of course our BlookSpace, but do not neglect the social networks, because all interactions made on your publications (shares, likes, comments, retweets and favorites). This will allow you to reach people you don’t know and who might also be interested in your work.

Preserve your digital content for free, share it and sell your blooks with BlookUp!

Why print your social media content?

As you continue to fill your phone’s gallery with photos of your moments with family and friends and constantly post them on your social networks such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, print and make a book of your content with one click. Before you become a company that only sees pictures on their phones, BlookUp explains why you should print or make a book of your social networks.

It’s so easy to print them online!

You can print your photos online, where you have the luxury of making your social network blook at any time of the day or night with a simple click of the mouse! Internet shops never close! With BlookUp print or make a book of your social networks.

A printed image is so much more valuable than some temporary pixel on a mobile device screen. You can physically hold it and decorate your bookshelf with blooks. Pulling it out years later and passing it around among your family and friends would help you relive all those memories. Unlike today’s digital age where the focus is solely on instant connections, printed photographs help make timeless connections – spanning many generations.

Some people in your environment may not know how to view photos on the Internet, but care about you. Printing your photos is a good way to share your beautiful moments with them.

Try it and print your photos with BlookUp!


You keep your blog as a real logbook, and you want to immortalize your texts and photos in a paper book?
BlookUp has developed an innovative technology that allows you to import your content in a few minutes and then print it! You have 2 formats to choose from, the 15 x 21 com book : or the 20 X 27 cm album :
BlookUp imports your posts in their entirety and then allows you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria and to correct certain errors, you can customize your cover before ordering it.
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