Print my Tumblr posts

You’ve been running a Tumblr blog for the past few years that you feed over time with your own creations, photos, mood posts, or articles.

What if you could immortalize your best publications in a book with just a few clicks?

Print my tumblr book

You can personalize your Tumblr blook.

The BlookUp team has developed an editor that will allow you to edit your entire Tumblr blook:

A media library to manage all of your photos:

  • Replace, delete and edit images in your posts
  • Add new images from your computer or smartphone

An editing tool to allow you to correct your texts, modify your posts and better layout them.

  • Faire des sauts de ligne entre vos textes
  • Modifier la mise en page et les légendes de vos images

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Create and personalize your Tumblr blook.

The wait is over! You can now personalize your Tumblr blook.

BlookUp team has developed an editor that will allow you to edit your entire Tumblr blook:

A media library to better manage all of your photos

  • Replace, delete and modify images of your posts
  • Add new images from your laptop or smartphone

A new editing tool to better lay out your text and posts

  • Make line breaks between your text
  • Change the layout and modify the caption of your photos

Visit our website and try it now!

5 Reasons why businesses should turn their social media accounts into books!

“Blooks”, or social media books, are extensions of your social networking accounts. They enable you to keep track of your posts, help you involve your teams, and most importantly help you create strong bonds with your customers.

Continue reading “5 Reasons why businesses should turn their social media accounts into books!”

Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!

In order to differentiate yourself and create engagement, it is important to publish impacting photos on your social networks.

No matter if you are a brand or an individual, it is crucial to adapt your photo’s dimensions to each platform’s standards.

Here is the guide for image dimensions on all social networks !

Continue reading “Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!”

Print your Tumblr Posts with BlookUp!

For years, you’ve been posting on your Tumblr blog with your own creations, your photos, or your articles.

What if you could, in a few clicks, immortalize your best publications in a book?

The Tumblr logo
Continue reading “Print your Tumblr Posts with BlookUp!”

The new Tumblr book format now available !


The new Tumblr book is here ! It’s true BlookUp books continue to evolve!

Completely redesigned, from the content treatment to the cover appearance, this new blook will delight you with its original format (20x26cm horizontal) and its aesthetic entirely designed to highlight your most beautiful photos and your finest articles!

Test this exclusive book by log in to your account today and import (or re-import) your blog! And to thank you for your loyalty, we offer you a 25% discount with theTUMBLRBLOOK code, valid until 11/30/2017!

tumblr-inner-pagesDo not hesitate to tell us about your experience at, our team is here for you if you need anything.
See you soon on BlookUp !

See you soon on BlookUp !

BlookUp: Blog, Medias, frequency, news and THANK YOU!

At the end of 2016, we gave you informations about BlookUp‘s blogging and social networking activities. Today, we – already- have to update you on the situation!



In the first place (yes, we start the article by the last element of our title, like some kind of blog punks), we would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for your growing support, your shares, your commitment…

In 2017, significant subscriptions goals have been reached for all our communication platforms, and that is obviously thanks to you!


logo-wordpress-blueGOAL REACHED: 5,000 SUBSCRIBERS

The blog is still there, in French (here) and in English (here. Like, no, really, no need to click, you’re already there 😉 ), but as some have noticed, our publication rhythm has kind of declined; No more publications on Tuesdays and Fridays but don’t panic, we explain why!

The first reason to this is simply our desire to propose a unique rendez-vous, every Wednesday, in order to make every article more  like a weekly celebrity coming to sign autographs at a given time. Punctuality is key!

The second reason is also quite simple, and that’s…


Tumblr is the latest active network of BlookUp. This microblogging platform will be ideal to share with you the daily life of our startup!

Our Tumblr will be more like a Facebook page, a Twitter or an Instagram account, with a freer and more casual tone. The publications are to be short but more numerous, and this is why WordPress articles, longer and therefore more demanding in terms of research and writing, will be posted once a week to ensure their quality!

That being said, if you have a Tumblr account (or if you are just curious!), Subscribe to this new blog and enter the daily BlookUp life, joys, pains, environment, team… And much more!


Logo Facebook


Logo Twitter


Logo Instagram


(Click on the images to access the corresponding social network!)

There are also some changes on the social networks side, which regularly relay each publication from the WordPress blog (and soon Tumblr), and had a fairly fixed number of publications per day… Now we blow up the locks, get free, and we post, we share, we react live!

We are as well increasing the emphasis on mages… For the pure pleasure of the eyes!


So, are you ready to choose your favorite platform(s)? Subscribe, and don’t be shy: Participate! 😄