Blookup offers you an automatic layout of your blook content. It also allows you to customize your blook according to your tastes and preferences.

Customization tools

You can customize your blook using three tools with a range of features. These are: Content, Looks and Preview.

  • Content

This tool allows you to act on the selection of your content. In other words, it allows you to decide which publications you want to see in your book, to organize the selection of your content, to add or remove new elements. This tool also allows you to modify your text or caption.

  • Looks

This tool is used to customize your cover by changing the color, title, cover photo, font, etc. It also allows you to add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard).

  • Preview

This tool allows you to save your changes. Once your blook is created and customized, the next step is to validate your order.

Our customer service department is here to help you if you have any questions or if you encounter a technical problem while creating your book.


BlookSpace is a unique space to store and protect your digital data. With just a few clicks, you can publish, share and sell your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, blog or PDF book and share it with your community !

How does the Blookspace work?

  • Create a blook

The first step is to create your blook. Once the blook is created, refined and finalized, go to the “My books” tab of your account to put it on sale. The purchase of a blook is not mandatory to put it on sale.

  • Publish your book

The second step is to customize the description of your book and add a summary.

  • Share your Blookspace

After you have customized and populated your blook, the third step is to share the link to your blook on your social networks, to make people want to buy it.

Our BlookSpace has a new look. Go ahead and check it out. Take a look.

Click here to learn more about sharing and selling your blook.

Print your PDF book

All memories deserve to be preserved. Whether it is a trip, a meeting or a birth, they all have a special place in our lives.

BlookUp exists not only to help you preserve your social data but also to help you bring out the creative side in you.
Can you format a document? Then the PDF book is for you.

How to create a PDF book ?

Format your content with the software of your choice. Convert your document into a PDF that you upload to our site. Customize your cover with our tool.

All you have to do is print your PDF.

Print your Blogspirit book

Blogspirit, is a hosting platform that allows you to create blogs. Some of the services offered to members are free, others are not. 

What do we import from your Blogspirit blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Blogspirit !!!

Print your Skyrock book is a website that offers its registered members a free personal online space. This space allows them to create a blog, add profiles and exchange messages with other registered users.

BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content.

What do we import from your Skyrock blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Skyrock !!!