Blookup offers you an automatic layout of your blook content. It also allows you to customize your blook according to your tastes and preferences.

Customization tools

You can customize your blook using three tools with a range of features. These are: Content, Looks and Preview.

  • Content

This tool allows you to act on the selection of your content. In other words, it allows you to decide which publications you want to see in your book, to organize the selection of your content, to add or remove new elements. This tool also allows you to modify your text or caption.

  • Looks

This tool is used to customize your cover by changing the color, title, cover photo, font, etc. It also allows you to add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard).

  • Preview

This tool allows you to save your changes. Once your blook is created and customized, the next step is to validate your order.

Our customer service department is here to help you if you have any questions or if you encounter a technical problem while creating your book.

Print your Canalblog book

Canalblog is a platform for the creation, publication and hosting of blogs.

You are a canalblog user and you want to print your blog content?
BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content and print it.

What do we import from your CanalBlog blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Canalblog !!!

Print your Blogspirit book

Blogspirit, is a hosting platform that allows you to create blogs. Some of the services offered to members are free, others are not. 

What do we import from your Blogspirit blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Blogspirit !!!

Print your Skyrock book is a website that offers its registered members a free personal online space. This space allows them to create a blog, add profiles and exchange messages with other registered users.

BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content.

What do we import from your Skyrock blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Skyrock !!!

Print your Overblog book

You are an Overblog user and you want to print the content of your blog and offer it to your loved ones for the holidays ?

BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content and print it.

What do we import from your Overblog blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety (title, text, photo,…) so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria, but first you have to enter your login details for it to work. 

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Overblog !

Print your WordPress blog!

WordPress is a must-have and very popular blogging platform. Obviously, BlookUp supports the creation of blog books from a WordPress blog.

It’s easy and simple.

What are the elements that we import from your WordPress blog?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety (title, text, photo, etc.) so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria.

BlookUp has developed an innovative technology that will fetch complete information directly from the heart of your WordPress blog system (API). This is why you need to enter your login credentials for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your blog book by personalizing it.

I create my blog book from my WordPress blog!

Print your travel blog

When you go on a trip, you always want to keep in touch with your relatives and keep a track of those beautiful moments… And the best way to do that is very simple: make a blog and write all about your adventures!

BlookUp allows you to easily import your digital contents to make them into a beautiful book to remember every moment of your journey! In order to do that, you have to prepare your blog: insert legends under your photos, check misspellings and the order of your posts, add categories.

All you have to do then is to select the posts you want to be printed in your blook (contraction of the words “blog” and “book”): and that’s it! You’re free to create several books from one blog, one per year or one per country.

BlookUp allows you to print the book of your blog from one copy, with a price according to the number of pages, that you receive directly at home. You keep all the copyrights, and you can also decide to make your blook public and sell it in our BlookSpace!

That’s it: you’re ready for your big adventure and become a great blogger (and blooker)!

Create your blog magazine

You wanted to create your own magazine but you did not know where and how? BlookUp is here for you.

Print right now your blog in a book of 20×27 cm!

This size format is ideal. You can create a family album, an album of journey or holidays, its own cookbook or another professional review.

Who says larger blook, says fewer pages.

Indeed, this size can be realized in 200 pages maximum, but 4 photos in size portrait bring in on a single page what allows you to have more contents with a bigger and finer book. The use is different from a size 15×21 cm but it stays of the self-publishing in a very interesting price!

The minimum page number is the same as the smallest size: 24 pages are enough for creating a book. But even if the size of the mag blook gets bigger, the price does not almost change!

To you to play: create your own magazine by clicking here!

Print your blog!

In a society where everyone has a fast placed lifestyle, how can you find the time to create your book? Don’t panic, with BlookUp, everything is optimized so that the creation of your blook is fast and efficient. Do you want to print your blog, your Instagram photos or your Facebook profile? It is so easy ! Choose the platform of your choice and the content of the blook will load by itself in just a few minutes. All you have to do is follow the presentation steps one by one, and your book is ready!

All you have to do is make yourself a good tea or coffee and go to to let yourself be carried away by the simplicity of the BlookUp tunnel.

Create your blog book!

Here you can find everything you need to know about our blog blook. Keep scrolling!

  • Our partners

To create your blook, the content you want to transform into a book has to be from one of our partners : WordPress, Blogger, Overblog, Skyrock or Canalblog

  • Customizing general options

A blog blook can be either a Blog Book (15x21cm) or a Blog Album (format 20x27cm). The Layout of our editing tool will allow you to easily:

  1. Choose a predefined layout style
  2. Choosing a font and size for your titles and text, as well as a size for your images
  3. Enable or disable page breaks after each article
  4. Choose the position of your table of contents, or choose not to display it
  • Customizing your cover

Bring your personal touch to you blook by customizing its cover!

  1. Choose a color
  2. Choose between a soft or hard cover cover
  3. Choose your cover model 
  4. Fill in the title, subtitle and author’s name.
  5. Select an illustration . Be careful to choose a high-quality image (at least 885×1240 pixels for the Blog Books and at least 1192×1554 pixels for the Blog Albums)
  6. Write your biography and the summary of your book
  7. Select an image from your computer that will be used as a author’s portrait 
  • Edit your content
  1. Use the date selection tool to start and finish your book on dates that suit you and/or allow you to fit within 400 pages!
  2. To sort your articles by category: click on “Chapter Mode”
  3. Reverse the order of all your items at once 
  4. De-select or select all your posts at once
  5. To include or exclude individually 
  6. Reorder articles 
  7. Change the content of each article individually 
  8. Add photo from your library

Visit our website and start creating your own blog book now!