Print your Tumblr Posts with BlookUp!

For years, you’ve been posting on your Tumblr blog with your own creations, your photos, or your articles.

What if you could, in a few clicks, immortalize your best publications in a book?

The Tumblr logo
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Instagram book inner photos

Easily print Instagram photos with BlookUp!

Why should you print your instagram photos ? Because back to school period is fast approaching, you’re probably wondering how to compile your memories that are currently drowning and disappearing in your Instagram feed. How can you  save them and relive them again and again?

A person taking a picture of food on their instagram story
Continue reading “Easily print Instagram photos with BlookUp!”

The new Instagram book is here. Print your’s today !

The new Instagram book is here ! and it is enough for all your pictures ! It is often said that size doesn’t matter, and that it’s more about how you use it. At BlookUp, we decided not to overlook any aspect of the popular saying!


Continue reading “The new Instagram book is here. Print your’s today !”

Hashtag Shelfie: Sharing your library under the hashtag

We know that internet, blogs and social networks gave or maintained a general taste for writing and creation! It also  gave the world of books a second youth by putting self-publishing at everyone’s reach.

Books and writing are part of the daily life for many of us. And the internet pays them tribute!


What the shelf?

On Instagram, we find under the hashtag #shelfie a whole lot of inspiring photos featuring shelves and libraries. The word “shelfie” itself sets the tone by combining the words “shelf” with the word “selfie” (the famous self-portraits photographed in the 21st century, for those sleeping at the bottom).

Many of the photos feature furnitures arranged like they’re almost taken straight out of an IKEA magazine. But, and this is what interests us here, we can also find books!


#Shelfie indeed is the occasion to make your personal library a star while the hashtag lasts ! It’s also the moment to share your reading taste or your  storage foibles to your friends and followers… Or even to discover what composes the tastes of others and how people organizes and surrounds one’s readings!



No boasting of elitist readings or endless rows of books here (even if we recognize that a full library is always pretty to picture 😉 ), only the joy of seeing beautiful book-related photos and starting exchanging about your favorite books!

After all, the contents of a library are often indicative of the personality of its owner(s): It is with this idea that the newspaper The Guardian launched the concept of the Shelfie in December 2013.


More than 820 000 publications are now classified under the hashtag #shelfie and more are coming everyday, so it’s always time to get involved and show what you have and love!


Article source (French) | Images:  @earthscorners, @culturetripbooks, @bluestockingbookshelf and @shelfjoy

Seeing and hearing Iceland with HVISL!

A book you can smell already exists ! Now check out the book that you can listen to?

Hear for yourselves!

Audiobooks, those kind of books one person will read aloud and record so that others can listen to them, are a growing part of books sales nowadays. They mainly prove their practicality for visualy impaired people.


For those who can afford it, there are some book concepts that combine vision and hearing to enjoy together as a global experience: This is the concept of Hvisl – Whispers of Iceland, both a photo album and sound guide taking you on a trip around Iceland!

The project was created by Chloé Curé and Bertrand Lanthiez, based on their shared experience of Iceland during a 2-weeks trip. Sounds effects were brought by Johannes Mandorfer.


Their collaboration allows you to appreciate breathtaking pictures of beautiful landscapes and warm interiors, accompanied, as you flip the pages, by the sound of the wind and the waves, a conversation in Icelandic, the cracking of the ice or the bubbling of the geysers

While you enjoy the atmosphere through your headphones, you will also learn everything you need to know about landscapes formation, local language, climate, mythology… Truly an immersive experience!



Source | Images: Bertrand Lanthiez 

Sarah printed the book of her cottage’s every day life!

Sarah of the blog decided to print the book of her blog, where she describes her life between her job and her cosy house surrounded by fields, flowers, and animals.

As we never shared any story of this kind before, we wanted to make you discover this quiet and lovely universe ! Make yourself at home and enjoy the story of her blog and her blook!


First, tell us about yourself : You, your passions, your hobbies, your projects…

I am a qualified lawyer, I fell into the job really as a means of earning a reasonable wage and being able to live in the lake district where pay is low as the majority of jobs are in the leisure industry.

That said I love my job, I can make a difference to peoples days. I am in civil litigation and education law.

I am married, we haven’t been able to have children, but I have 2 horses, a donkey, 2 cats, a nearly grown up puppy 2 ducks and lots of chickens. I live in a beautiful house in the middle of fields with views all around,

Aren’t those cutties?


I know I am so lucky but even when everything is beautiful but sometimes it is still difficult to stay positive.

In winter I am up at 6 to feed muck out horses sort out the chicken, ducks and dog, then be clean and not smelling of poo by 8am to drive off to work, I then get home from work at 6 and start again with the horses etc, in the middle of this is keeping a house a garden reasonably tidy.

We moved into the house 4 years ago, there was a small garden only but we had been able to buy the fields around, we were successful in obtaining planning permission which allowed us to build the barn and stables, extend the garden and convert a small barn into more living accommodation.

We have build the barn and stables, started on the garden but don’t yet have the funds to convert the barn into more living.

A little glimpse of Sarah’s garden


What is your blog about and why did you want to address this subject when starting it?
I started my blog as a new years resolution to be more positive and do something for myself. The aim was to treat it like a diary of what was happening in and around me and mainly my home. As one of the aims was to be positive, I don’t really focus on the negatives which can make life look idyllic, but that I admit to that so I think it is ok. I am not pretending life is perfect, I am choosing just to show the good bits.

I made areas I was going to cover such as garden, polytunnel monthly update to keep me focused.

The areas have changed as I have done different things, I make more reference to walks now as I take Ellie my springer spaniel on walks in and around the lakes.

I also cover more cooking that I thought I would, but this again makes me more creative.

Also if I see something, like a birds nest in an artificial Christmas tree (a post from this year), I like to tell myself about it when I re-read when I am sat in a rocking chair in my 80’s trying to remember what I did.

Yummy chocolate chip coooookieeeees!


What contents (articles, illustrations) are you the most proud of?

I am not a skilled writer or photographer, my first posts were really just practice runs on what to do, from last December so 12 months in I did a post on starling murmurations, I love the photographs.

To be honest I didn’t think of “proud” of what I had done, I hadn’t advertised, few of my friends or family know about it, it really was just for me.

But I bought myself for Christmas the Blook of my first years blog, and was really chuffed at how it looked; especially as that had not be the aim.

What moment of your blogger life was the most memorable for you so far?

As above, getting my blook through the post and thinking really, I did that!!

I couldn’t show you Chocolate Chip cookies without showing you their ingredients, could I? Click on the image to see the whole recipe!


Why did you want to turn your blog into a book?

I didn’t know I did, I saw the advert around Christmas and in previous years I have produced picture books of our progress at the cottage for my husband and thought actually I might like this as a present for me.

 How did you find out about BlookUp?
I think Blookup “liked” one of my posts and as I don’t get many likes I always look to see who they are and realised it was an advertisement.


What are the positive and negative points of the making of your blook?

It highlights spelling mistakes, which being a lawyer I shouldn’t do, but apart from that is a physical record of the good bits in the year.


Do you enjoy the final result? What does your family and friends think about your blook?

My husband(!!) has shown it to a few friends and family who have visited, they didn’t know about my blog and are really supportive

Would you recommend BlookUp?

Yes, it is a great physical memento of a lot of hard work, I plan to get one done every January, again it keeps me focused on blogging.

The book of your Facebook: Choose your Content!

A few months ago, we asked you to share your thoughts about our new product, the book of Facebook, and your opinion really mattered to us!

Our inquiry pointed out that for our users, one of the main key points to a well-done Facebook book was to be able to select the types of content that truly reflected their social adventure. Today with BlookUp, you are the only one to decide what you want to keep from your profile, administrated page or favorite Fan page!

Are you a photography master? Choose to keep only your albums! Do you usually write long, motivating tirades? Choose to transform your publications into a book worthy of the name!

A book with Facebook content

How do I choose the contents I want?

Create a new blook or edit a Facebook book that you already began a few days / weeks / months ago. Then go to the 2nd step of the customization process!

Here you’ll find again the usual layout choices (2 or 3 columns). As well as the possibility to reduce your publication interval in order to better target your contents (within the interval that you already chose during Step 1) and the possibility to choose them properly!


You can select one or more type·s of content, and decide whether to keep the index or not!

If you chose the option “Import Comment” in step 1 but are having second thoughts and rather remove them. You just have to set the “maximum comments” on 0.

Warning ! The maximum comments you can get depend on the popularity of the page or profile you are trying to import. You can therefore vary from blook to blook!

So, are you ready to personalize the book of your favorite social network with BlookUp?

Chose your best content!

And turn your Facebook experience into a beautiful paper book with 15% off thanks to the MARCHBLOOK coupon code, valid until 14/03/2017!

Print the book of your Facebook Fan pages!

The book of your Facebook Fan Pages - John Lennon, U2, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe

Well, you already knew that thanks to BlookUp you could print the book of your Facebook profile, of your Personal and professional Pages… But did you know that you can also print…

The book of your Fan pages!

Do you like John Lennon, U2 or Kanye West? Did you hit the “like” button or have you already subscribed to the Facebook page of Charlie Chaplin, the Dalai Lama or Kim Kardashian?

Quickly and easily import all the contents of your favorite Facebook fan page, its publications, photos, videos, comments… Everything you like about your favorite star!

The book of your Facebook Fan Pages - John Lennon

How to create and order your fan book?

It’s very simple, and we even updated our presentation to make the selection of your pages more enjoyable!
Select the time period you want, customize the content, theme color, front and back cover, check your final preview… You like the result? Order your book online and receive it within 15 working days to the address of your choice.

Imagine having the Facebook book of your favorite music group, your favorite star or commercial brand in your hand! Imagine surprising a relative or a friend by offering him/her the compilation of the best anecdotes of his/her favorite star: It’s possible now, thanks to BlookUp!

Transform the Facebook pages you love into a real collector’s book!

And enjoy 20% off your order with the VALENTINEBLOOK coupon code, valid until 02/13/2017 so you can enjoy it until Valentine’s Day!

So what Facebook fan page will you print the book?

The book of your Facebook with BlookUp!

Examples of Facebook books' covers On Facebook, we rarely look back on our publications because we often possessed our account for years. We posted thousands of status, shared thousands of pictures, left wackiest applications post on our behalf.

So, even when we have the option to see our past activity year by year, going indefinitely down and down our browser to read all this in detail discourages us in advance.

After several months of research and developement, BlookUp found the solution to have all your Facebook contents at hand’s reach and browse at will through it without getting tired!


Composition of photos of the Facebook blook

It’s beautiful, it’s brand new!  This is the new product that seals the year 2016 for BlookUp, a year full of great changes! After 5 years putting emphasis on conventional blogging platforms and focusing our efforts to improve our tool for them, we decided to celebrate our 5 years by renewing our social medias offer! Through  Facebook and its 1.59 billion registered users being the first one to haveits own makeover!

You may have already tried to import your profile via our tool before, but our tool has since evolved, and our book has nothing to do with the one you knew before !

You will love this new edition!

Inner and outer Facebook blook of John Davis

Thanks to your feedbacks,  we have reworked our book so that it faithfully reflects the spirit of your favorite social media.

Status, photos, videos, geolocation, and even likes and comments from your friends … All are  automatically imported!

We now offer you 2 internal and external layouts in order to allow you more customization possibilities for this particular book completely redesigned graphically and editorially.

This is the beginning of a new era! Christmas is approaching and on this occasion, BlookUp offers you the possibility to turn your Facebook into a book !

 A book that looks like you, a book you can read again and again with family or friends.

Couple reading the book of their Facebook

Click here to create the book of your Facebook

And enjoy a 20% discount on your order with the FACEBLOOK20 promo code, valid until 11/30/2016 !

Your Instagram pictures printed in a book in seconds!

What’s better than an Instagram account to show your most beautiful pictures?

And share them with your loved ones? Well, we have an answer! A book of those pretty photos! BlookUp allows you to upload your digital contents, and your Instagram pictures, to customize and print a nice book that you will always keep near you!

A book of London instagram pictures

Furthermore, we have added new features allowing you to have bigger images and longer captions!  And all that in a nice square format 15cm x 15cm, with a beautiful paper! It’s easy, quick and effective for a quality book: printed in high definition colors, and you will receive your book 8 working days after your order! Why wait any longer to create the book of your Instagram ?

An Erasmus 's student instagram pictures in a book

You don’t have to fear loosing your data anymore, you will always have a paper track to remember your best memories in pictures!

A globe trotter pictures in a book