Sell your books on BlookSpace

BlookSpace is a unique space for preserving and protecting your digital data. With just a few clicks, you can publish, share and sell your book from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, blog or PDF, and share it with your community!

1 – Create a blook :

Once you’ve finalized and purchased your book, go to the “My books” tab in your account to put it up for sale

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est exemple-publier-blook.2c67f77e5dfd.png.

2- Publish your book :

You can add a description and share the page on your social networks to spread the word. Visitors can also share or order it.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est exemple-page-livre.9af63d446462.png.

3- Watch your kitty grow :

After each sale, you earn 10% of the selling price of your blook, and these profits go into your kitty. To get them back, just make a few clicks and transfer your earnings to your bank account.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est exemple-page-mes-ventes.aee0a78472ba.png.

Join us on BlookUp, to create, publish, share and sell your books in just a few clicks.

BlookSpace: The memorial of your digital life

Preserve your digital content for free, share them and sell your blooks!

The BlookSpace is a unique marketplace for storing and protecting your digital data. In just a few clicks, you can publish and sell your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, blog or PDF book, and share it with your community!

New layout has been added to our BlookSpace. Check it now!

Click here to know more on how to share and sell your blook.

Print your Twitter book

On Twitter, each publication is limited to 280 characters. The questions that users of this social network ask themselves are: how to remember all these publications and especially how to save them? BlookUp has found the perfect solution for you.

BlookUp allows you to record your tweets in a paper book. From the most popular, controversial or precious tweets, go from instant to posterity.

With its compact format (11×17 cm), this paper book of your tweets is fully customizable (color and cover photo of your choice) and offers you the possibility to archive, edit and thus extend the reach of your tweets over the period of your choice.

Steps to follow to create your Twitter account book

To start editing the book of your tweets, you just have to go to and connect to your Twitter account through a secure protocol. The simplicity of execution is the strength of the solution developed by BlookUp. So, what are you waiting for to print your blook ?

Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!

In order to differentiate yourself and create engagement, it is important to publish impacting photos on your social networks.

No matter if you are a brand or an individual, it is crucial to adapt your photo’s dimensions to each platform’s standards.

Here is the guide for image dimensions on all social networks !

Continue reading “Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!”

Instagram’s application features on iOS and Android

Instagram’s application features  in 2018

Instagram’s application features are develloping ! In addition to reaching a billion users, the social network has developed new features to strengthen user experience. You will discover in this article the latest Instagram features that you might have missed!

Instagram logo

Continue reading “Instagram’s application features on iOS and Android”

Print the book of your Facebook Fan pages!

The book of your Facebook Fan Pages - John Lennon, U2, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe

Well, you already knew that thanks to BlookUp you could print the book of your Facebook profile, of your Personal and professional Pages… But did you know that you can also print…

The book of your Fan pages!

Do you like John Lennon, U2 or Kanye West? Did you hit the “like” button or have you already subscribed to the Facebook page of Charlie Chaplin, the Dalai Lama or Kim Kardashian?

Quickly and easily import all the contents of your favorite Facebook fan page, its publications, photos, videos, comments… Everything you like about your favorite star!

The book of your Facebook Fan Pages - John Lennon

How to create and order your fan book?

It’s very simple, and we even updated our presentation to make the selection of your pages more enjoyable!
Select the time period you want, customize the content, theme color, front and back cover, check your final preview… You like the result? Order your book online and receive it within 15 working days to the address of your choice.

Imagine having the Facebook book of your favorite music group, your favorite star or commercial brand in your hand! Imagine surprising a relative or a friend by offering him/her the compilation of the best anecdotes of his/her favorite star: It’s possible now, thanks to BlookUp!

Transform the Facebook pages you love into a real collector’s book!

And enjoy 20% off your order with the VALENTINEBLOOK coupon code, valid until 02/13/2017 so you can enjoy it until Valentine’s Day!

So what Facebook fan page will you print the book?

BlookUp on WordPress and Social Networks

First, we would like to reassure you ! 

No, BlookUp is not late for the 21st century, no, we do not have just discovered these revolutionary things that are  Wordpress and social networks.

Fortunately for us, it’s been a while already that we use them… and we love it!

wordpress and social media logos

Continue reading “BlookUp on WordPress and Social Networks”